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City Hall Covid 19 Battle - UPDATED



Sources inside City Hall tell us that there is a major dispute going on over the Council meeting due tomorrow night, March 24th.



It is being reported that Mayor Pro Tem Bill Goodwin (who is effectively the mayor until May) has demanded and ordered that the meeting takes place in the Council Chamber and that all council members and staff must attend. He is reported to have used the words "by my order" in e-mail communications.


The City has all the required facilities to run the meeting remotely by teleconference which Goodwin is specifically ruling against.


Other Council members and staff have asked for and received clear advice from their new Law Firm that this demand is in conflict with State meeting size limits and is not enforceable.


City staff are reported to be very worried and upset and at least one Council Member cannot attend due to high risk indiviuals within their own household.


UPDATE - with the Travis County "lock down" the city has moved to virtual attendance except Bill Goodwin and the City Manager who are expected to attend in person. Citizen comments can only be made in person.