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LTMS Principal leaves suddenly


The Principal at LTMS is leaving mid term after suddenly resigning..


Superintendent Lancaster put out the following announcement today: "The purpose of this email is to let you know that Ms. Sherry Baker has resigned as principal and will not complete the school year at Lake Travis Middle School. I have asked Mr. Lester Wolff to serve as interim principal for the duration of the year. He will begin that role on Wednesday, February 20.


Mr. Wolff most recently served as interim principal of West Cypress Hills Elementary School. He also served last spring as interim assistant principal at Hudson Bend Middle School. Mr. Wolff is an accomplished professional who possesses more than 33 years experience in public education. He is a former classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal, administrator and assistant superintendent having served in the Arlington and Eanes school districts. Mr. Wolff earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa and a Master of Education degree in Educational Administration from the University of North Texas in Denton. He also holds mid-management and superintendent certification.


I have full confidence in the outstanding staff at LTMS and know that they will continue to meet the needs of your children for the remainder of the school year. Later in the semester we will begin a search process for a permanent principal."


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