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Search Bee Cave

Monday, 24th March 2025

in Bee Cave TX 78738

Bee Cave Weather

Bee Cave Bee update

As you may have noticed, I have made this site temporarily "dormant" - due to pressure on my full time job. I hope to start publishing more news later this summer.


In the meantime the Facebook group is still active - but not for businesses to promote.


Thank you and stay safe and well.

City Council showdown - Updated



At a Special Meeting on Saturday evening (the 28th) major changes to the Council's make up took place. A recent gathering storm between the incoming Mayor Kara King and acting Mayor and long serving council member Bill Goodwin finally blew up.


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City Hall Covid 19 Battle - UPDATED



Sources inside City Hall tell us that there is a major dispute going on over the Council meeting due tomorrow night, March 24th.


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620 public hearing well attended



Over a hundred local residents attended a TxDOT meeting to explain and take input on the proposed 620 widening and median work.


The picture above shows the plan from 71 to Hudson Bend - the key section for Lakeway and Bee Cave residents.


The full presentation can be accessed HERE.


To comment on this story, please go to BeeCaveBee on FaceBook HERE

New Hill Country Festival in Drip


The Hill Country Living FESTIVAL + Rainwater Revival returns to the Dripping Spring Ranch Park on Saturday, April 4, from 10am to 5pm.


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