Search Bee Cave

Monday, 24th February 2025

in Bee Cave TX 78738

Bee Cave Weather

Chamber delays event due to weather

Our friends at the newly formed Bee Cave Chamber of Commerce have asked us to spread the word about a delay in their launch event due to the weather:

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HCG sold

Owner Adrian Overstreet has sold the Hill Country Galleria to the California State Teachers Pension Fund (CALSTRS).

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Spicewood mass yard sale

On Saturday the 20th from 7 am to 5 pm there will be a multi family yard sale in Spicewood at Security State Bank on 71 at Pace Bend.

Abercorn offers scholarships

Abercorn International School has announced that it will be offering Scholarships through a private foundation to a select group of students entering 3rd Grade.

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LTLov supplies drive succeeds

The enormous success of LTlov's 5th annual Back to School supplies drive ensured that the needs of every LTISD student who lacks the financial resources to purchase the supplies they need to succeed in the 2014 - 2105 school year are met.

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