City Council to consider annexing Homestead LWC
Last night (Nov 14) Bee Cave City Council heard from 16 Homestead residents speaking on an item added to the Council agenda to consider annexing the land containing the Low Water Crossing that is the only entry/exit for the 200 home development.
The item was placed there by Mayor Pro Tem Bill Goodwin who - along with Marie Lowman - lives in the Homestead.
Travis County has identified the LWC as a problem and had passed a Bond this month containing $4MM to build a new bridge that will not flood as easily.
16 Homestead resident spoke last night - 12 in opposition to any bridge and 4 in favor. The Homestead has neither an HOA nor a POA so there is no mechanism to simply monitor overall sentiment.
Is is recognized that annexation would likely stop the bridge work. The Council is going to consider and vote on the matter on the 28th.
The final issue is what happens to the budgeted $4MM if the bridge cannot be built for any reason - as it was specified in the Bond paperwork and would perhaps be unavailable to spend elsewhere.
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