Election update - Uplands vs Homestead?
As the last of the City Council seats closes for candidates on Monday the 10th many local voices are questioning the respective agendas of the candidates, based on where they live. Just as the last election revolved around Falconhead West candidates and the Covert issue, this one seems to be focusing on what Uplands and Homestead residents can be expected to do about local development priorities. You can review the comments HERE.
The situation is even more complex now, as latest entrant Marie Lowman is actually moving from the Uplands to The Homestead.
The closed slates are as follows:
2 year seats (2 will be elected):
- Bill Goodwin, current council member and resident of The Homestead
- Tom Matzen, resident of Falconhead West
- Carrell Killebrew, resident of The Homestead
Mayor (uncontested):
- Caroline Murphy will be seeking re-election, resident of The Uplands
The single, open 1 year seat (closes March 10) has three condidates
- Marie Lowman, resident of The Uplands moving to The Homestead
- John Colman, resident of The Homestead
- Mike Murphy, resident of The Uplands