71 widening - no underpass
Austin bound drivers have faced nighmare delays on 71 at SW Parkway for the last couple of weeks - and will do so for the next 8-9 months.
Second hearing on second annexation
Tonight (Tuesday Sept 24th) Bee Cave City Council takes the next step towards annexing it's second piece of property on RR 620 near Home Depot.
First findings in fatal crash
The cause of the crash at the entrance to Falconhead West on Sunday the 21st has been published by DPS. The eastbound driver drove in to Vail Divide across westbound traffic and was hit by an oncoming car. At the time westbound traffic had a green light, and the driver turning left onto Vail Divide had a green yield light (not a left turn green arrow.).
LTYA and the FOD - what do you think?
Our recent story on the request from the LTYA that the City of Bee Cave pay them millions of dollars if they will not allow multi family housing on the land currently occupied by the Field of Dreams has attracted more comments than any other recent news item.
Goodwin is back
After much debate (four hours) at this evening's (Thursday Sept 19th) special Council Meeting, former member and Homestead resident Bill Goodwin was nominated to serve out part of Paul Kline's vacant term until a special election can be held in May (2014). Rich Schmitt, Marie Lowman and Bruce Schwaegel were the other three volunteers.